On your first fly into the space, you’ll enter one of the starting solar systems for newbies, it depends from a race you chosen.
Before relocation to other systems, it is recommended to learn in-game controls and get known of all key moments in the game, all this information you can find on station in starting solar system, by hitting the button “Helper”.
You need to know that there are 3 solar system types:
Safe solar systems - systems, where new players appear, players of another race can't enter here. Such systems can’t be captured.
Racial solar systems - systems, which belong to a certain race from the very beginning. Players of another race can enter such systems through the galaxy map. Such systems can be captured by other race players. At the start of the game each race possess 5 systems.
Neutral solar systems - systems assigned to no race. In such systems there are no stations, workshops, factories, etc., till the moment one of the race captures it. Players can move here with the help of galaxy map. There are 15 of such systems.