Companion types.
Сompanion satellite - is the npc-attendant of the player.
Companions are divided in two types:
-attackers - attacks the target of its player-master, when player entered a fight with this target;
-healers - restores integrity of the player's ship when the level of integrity decreases to a certain mark.
Type of the companion is generated randomly at the moment of companion's creation.
Creation of the first companion.
On the game start, player gets his first companion set system, which doesn't demand resources for creation of the companion.
It is situated in the hangar.
By choosing the companion set system and pressing the “Apply” button, you will create your first companion.
To take your companion to the fight, you need to press the “Companions” button in the “Actions” menu,
further - “Companions in group” and press "Take in Group" button near to your companion.
Companions quantity in a fight.
At the same time in fight you can summon from 1 to 3 companions.
1 companion for each 10 levels of your ship.
On level 10 - 1 companion.
On level 20 - 2 companions.
On level 30 - 3 companions.
Maximum number of companions in a hangar is 10.
Each companion has 1 active and 1 passive ability, which it receives at the time of creation by the player.
Abilities are generated randomly.
Passive ability works constantly, active - depends on a type of ability: at the beginning of the fight or after operation of certain conditions.
After operation of active ability, time period is started, at which ability can't repeatedly work.
Companion parameters:
- Damage
- Health
- Optimal distance
- Mastery
To improve your companion's parameters, it is necessary to improve its quality.
For this purpose open the “Companions” tab in the Actions menu. In the "Available" tab choose your companion and press “Improve” in the “Quality Improvement” window.
For the companion's quality improvement you need to have the necessary quantity of the resources listed in this window.
Mastery of the companion is responsible for double operation of player's abilities.
To improve mastery, the player needs to improve quality of the companion or to improve mastery in the “Mastery Improvement” window which is under the “Quality Improvement” window.