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Party - is a group of players up to 5 people


Every player can join a party by invitation, or by forming one.

Check the Group chat-channel to find active parties.


In case party leader leaves the party, a player next in the list of remaining members becomes a new leader.


Party members are displayed on the left side of the screen as their workshops icons with nicknames.

                How to join the party:

-by invitation;

-by yourself joining the "open" party through the "Party Search" where you can find a list of open parties with number of participants         and location of the leader;

-by creation your own party;


                How to Leave the paty:

Players can leave parties

1) voluntarily;

2) by logging out;

3) by being kicked out after a vote.

                Steps to create a party:

                   1) Click and hold your nickname;

                   2) Click "Create a party" in context menu (this option is hidden in case player already in a party).


                Steps to invite player in a party:

                   1) Click on player's ship in space;

                   2) Click "Invite into party" in context menu.


If enrollment is closed but number of players is still under 5, you can invite player to party.


Invited player can see a message about it in "Notifications" on the right.

                 Kicking players from a party:


                   1) Click their ship; 

                   2) Click context menu option 'Exclude from party'.

                Rights of participants
Party leader has the right:

-to disband created party or leave it;

-to delegate the leadership to another participant, by choosing needed option in context menu;

-to make party either open or closed to enlistment of new participants,

  by choosing "Open enrollment into party" or "Close enrollment into party" in context menu;

-to invite players into party;

The participants have the right:

-to put a candidat for kicking out from party;

-to leave the party.


               Party loot rules:

Loot received for defeating enemies is personal for each party member.

Parties consisting of two players get bonus 4% experience from defeated NPC.

Each further party member brings an additional +4% experience rewards.


Party members are visible for each other on local map, their nicknames are colored diferently in space;

Party members can communicate in separate chat-channel that appears at the moment of party creation and disappears in the end of party's life.

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NEBULA ONLINE is a trademark of Depielco Commercial Ltd. 

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