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If you want to survive in severe space conditions, your ship will need proper modules and weapons. There are several methods of getting equipment of good quality:


 - You can buy needed equipment for you ship on auction;


 - Loot it as a trophy for the victory over a NPC ship,that can be meet on different locations (systems).

There are two types of such ships:

yellow - not aggressive ships, which would not attack you first, until you attack them;

red - aggressive ships, they attack you if you are too close to them.

The stronger NPC ship - the better and bigger your loot will be.


 - Create a module, in case you have the needed scheme and ore in the right quantity, mentioned in scheme description.

Ore, used in modules creation, can be extracted from asteroids, protogalactic clouds, comets and planets situated on the locations.


 - Obtain as a trophy in coalition test or for the victory over a boss in a single or group instance.

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