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Battle with other players.

You can earn pvp points by destroying enemy ships of other players and conquering star systems.


Fight process.

To start a battle with an enemy ship you must tap on the ship and arrive on optimal for attack distance.


Attack efficiency.

The most effective attack will be attack with optimal distance to the target (the optimal distance for all ships is different).


Death in battle.

In case you lost the battle, you will lose all your items from the hold and your ship will be relocated to the station of your race.


PvP shop.

Access to the shop is opened from 5th level. PvP shops in the form of metal planets or other structures are placed in some of the locations . In PvP shop you can buy modules and weapons appropriate to the level of the player. Currency that is used in these shops - PvP points. Items quality and belonging to a workshop are generated randomly at the time of item purchase.


System capture.

One of the game goals is territorial expansion of your race for development of infrastructure and superiority over rivals.


Solar system types.

There are three solar system types:

1 Safe solar systems - systems, where new players appear, players of other race can't get here. Such systems can't be captured.

2 Racial solar systems - systems, originally owned by certain race. Players of another race can get there through the galaxy map. Such systems can be captured by other races. In the start of the game each race has 5 such systems.

3 Neutral solar systems - systems fixed to no one race. There are no structures in such locations, until one of the races becomes an owner of this system. Players can move in such systems with the help of galaxy map. There are 15 of such systems.


Defensive structures.

Each solar system has defensive structures that help with defence from invasions, captures and illegal fighting actions. Defensive structures attack approaching player , if he is not a member of a race controlling this system.

In case  system changed it's owners, all destroyed defensive structures automatically restore their initial number, and their appearance changes according to the controlling race.

There are several defensive structures:

Turret - small stand-alone device adjusted to attack enemy ships within a specified radius of attack. Turret can be destroyed and then respawns after certain time. Turret can be attacked only by enemy race, which is not an owner of the system, where the turret is situated at the moment.

Fortification - space structure of an average size, indicating the ownership of the solar system. Fortification is a peaceful structure and can't attack. Each of 3 fortifications is situated  in the 1 of 3 different corners of the solar system. Fortification can be destroyed. Fortifications can be attacked only by enemy race, which is not an owner of the system, where the fortification is situated at the moment.

Outpost - the last line of the star system defense, construction of big size, equipped with guns for firing within a given radius of destruction. Outpost locates in the center of a solar system and it can be only one outpost per system. Outpost can be destroyed. Outpost is invulnerable till all other defensive structures are not destroyed. After outpost is destroyed, system goes under control of the winner race.

A special feature of all the defensive structures is that the damage to them is not proportional to the applied amount of loss but to the number of raid participants.

It means that every player at any level with any amount of damage does fixed and the same for all players amount of damage for 1 shot. 

Such feature allows players of any level to participate in system capture, as well as it helps to estimate time for system capture, so that defenders of the system would be able to organize the defence.


Amount of damage, done to invaders by turrets and outposts, is proportional to the level of player and depends on the value of his maximum life. Thus, efficiency of system capture does not depends on invaders level and allows players of any level to participate in system capture, without a risk of being killed with one shot of a turret.




After ownership changed, stations go under invaders control.


There are no stations in systems, which were neutral till the moment of changing ownership by any race. To make them appear, system owners must perform the conditions associated with the construction of the station. Next invaders won't need to build the station again: once built, station is indestructible and stays in system forever.


System capture.

System capture considered to be active since the moment, when players start to attack the fortifications of another race. System capture considered to be successfull with two terms consistantly performed:

1) Players of enemy race destroyed all 3 fortifications in given system.

2) Players of enemy race destroyed outpost of current owners, while at the time of the destruction of the outpost fortifications are destroyed as well.

If more than one race try to capture the same system at the same moment, system's ownership will go to the race whose ships done last strike to outpost.

System defence.

Defence of the system considered to be active from the moment, when players started to destroy the first invader (that  attacked outposts or fortifications or in party with other invaders).


System defenders.

Defenders and owners of the system can prevent it's capture in case they destroy all invaders before invaders  destroy an outpost, or in case they keep defence during 1 hour.

If 1 hour after the fortifications were attacked invaders wouldn't destroy the outpost, it and all other fortifications enter to invulnerability mode for 1 hour.

During this hour all fortifications restores. In 1 hour system can be attacked again.


Passive system defence consists of improving fortifications by performing related conditions with high reward.

Everybody in given system at the time of defence gets certain amount of experience once in 10 minutes.

Capture parties and Warlords.

The events related to the capture or defense systems are coordinated by warlords. They are players with special competency, who conduct the processes of ownership changing.  Warlords give orders to the players participating in the captures, these orders are visible in the selected chat channel to the whole race. At the same time, only warlord and his admirals are entitled to write in this chat channel. Each race can have only 1warlord and two admirals.

©2016 Mizar Games.

NEBULA ONLINE is a trademark of Depielco Commercial Ltd. 

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